Congregation Temple Beth'EL


Congregation Temple Beth'El


Friday:  Erev Shabbat -- 7:00 p.m. 

Shabbat Torah Study -- 9:00 a.m.

Shabbat Service -- 11:00 a.m.​​​​​

Sanctuary Protocol

  • Wear a head covering while in the sanctuary
  • Please refrain from chewing and popping gum
  • Nursing mothers, please use our nursery to feed and care for your child 

We ask that you please be mindful that the sanctuary is the place where HaShem is worshipped, and He is due the highest level of respect we can give to Him.


​​Congregation Temple Beth'El uses the triennial cycle for reading the weekly Torah parashat. The following Torah readings and candle lighting are provided from 

JULY 2024 -- TAMMUZ 5784

6 July 2024 -- Sivan 30, 5784

Parashat: KORACH

Numbers 16:1 -- 18:32 (annual)
Numbers 14:8 -- 15:7 (triennial)
Haftorah: Isaiah 66:1--24

13 July 2024 -- Tammuz 7, 5784

Parashat: CHUKKAT

Numbers 19:1 -- 22:1 (annual)
Numbers 19:1 -- 20:21 (triennial)
Haftorah: Judges 11:1--33

20 July 2024 -- Tammuz 14, 5784

Parashat:  BALAK

Numbers 22:2 -- 25:9 (annual)

Numbers 22:2-38 (triennial)

Haftorah:  Micah 5:6 -- 6:8

27 July 2024 -- Tammuz 21, 5784

Parashat: PINCHAS

Numbers 25:10 -- 30:1 (annual)

Numbers 26:52 -- 28:15 (triennial)

Haftorah:  Jeremiah 1:1 -- 2:3